Interface IOllamaClientHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IOllamaClientHelper
Defines helper methods for interacting with the Ollama service. This interface provides functionality for processing chat completion requests and parsing responses returned by Ollama.
  • Method Details

    • convertResponseToObject

      IChatMessage convertResponseToObject(String serializedResponseBody)
      Converts a serialized JSON response body from the Ollama service into an IChatMessage. The method deserializes the response and extracts the first message returned by the AI.
      serializedResponseBody - the JSON response body as a String.
      the first IChatMessage extracted from the response.
    • createRequestBody

      HttpRequest.BodyPublisher createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage> messages)
      Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the Ollama service. The request body includes parameters such as:
      • Chat messages providing the context for the conversation.
      • Maximum number of tokens allowed for the response.
      • Temperature, frequency penalty, and presence penalty settings.
      • Stop sequences for terminating the response.
      messages - a list of IChatMessage objects representing the chat context.
      a HttpRequest.BodyPublisher object containing the serialized request body.