Class OllamaClientHelper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OllamaClientHelper extends Object implements IOllamaClientHelper
A helper class for constructing requests and processing responses for the Ollama AI chat system.

The OllamaClientHelper is responsible for serializing chat request bodies, deserializing chat responses, and retrieving the currently selected Ollama model.

  • Constructor Details

    • OllamaClientHelper

      public OllamaClientHelper(IMemoryObject<OllamaModel> memoryOllamaModel)
      Constructs an OllamaClientHelper with the specified memory storage.
      memoryOllamaModel - the in-memory storage containing the selected Ollama model.
  • Method Details

    • convertResponseToObject

      public IChatMessage convertResponseToObject(String serializedResponseBody)
      Converts a serialized JSON response body from the Ollama service into an IChatMessage. The method deserializes the response and extracts the first message returned by the AI.
      Specified by:
      convertResponseToObject in interface IOllamaClientHelper
      serializedResponseBody - the JSON response body as a String.
      the first IChatMessage extracted from the response.
    • createRequestBody

      public HttpRequest.BodyPublisher createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage> messages)
      Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the Ollama service. The request body includes parameters such as:
      • Chat messages providing the context for the conversation.
      • Maximum number of tokens allowed for the response.
      • Temperature, frequency penalty, and presence penalty settings.
      • Stop sequences for terminating the response.
      Specified by:
      createRequestBody in interface IOllamaClientHelper
      messages - a list of IChatMessage objects representing the chat context.
      a HttpRequest.BodyPublisher object containing the serialized request body.