
A B C D E F G I J K L M O P R S T U V W 
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A Link icon

AccessToken - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents an OAuth2 access token along with its metadata and expiration details.
AccessToken() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Default constructor that initializes the receivedAt field to the current time.
Activator - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core
The activator class controls the plug-in lifecycle for the zJoule plugin.
Activator() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
The default constructor for the Activator.
addPages() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.LoginWizard
Adds the login options page to the wizard.
addPages() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.OllamaLoginWizard
Adds the necessary pages to the wizard for configuring the Ollama login.
addPages() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.SapLoginWizard
Adds the wizard pages to the login process.
AIClientFactory - Class in
A factory class responsible for creating instances of IAIClient.
ASSISTANT - Enum constant in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Represents an assistant role.
AuthClient - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth
The AuthClient class provides functionality to authenticate with a service and retrieve access tokens.
AuthClient(IMemoryObject<AccessToken>, IMemoryObject<ServiceKey>, IAuthClientHelper) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClient
Constructs an AuthClient instance with the given dependencies.
AuthClientHelper - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth
A helper class for the AuthClient that provides utility methods for constructing HTTP requests, parsing responses, and managing URI conversions.
AuthClientHelper() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClientHelper
Constructs a new AuthClientHelper instance and initializes a Gson instance.

B Link icon

BrowserFactory - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui
Factory class for creating Browser instances in an SWT application.
build() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.IViewRender
Builds the HTML content for the view.
build() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewRender
Builds the HTML content for the view.

C Link icon

canFlipToNextPage() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage
Determines whether the next wizard page can be displayed.
chatCompletion(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in interface
Sends a list of chat messages to the AI model and retrieves the AI-generated response.
chatCompletion(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Sends a chat completion request to the Ollama API.
chatCompletion(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Sends a chat completion request to the OpenAI service and retrieves the AI-generated response.
ChatOrchestrator - Class in
Orchestrates the chat process by interacting with the AI client to retrieve answers based on user prompts and active editor content.
ChatOrchestrator() - Constructor for class
Choice() - Constructor for class
clear() - Method in interface
Clears the stored chat message history from memory.
clear() - Method in class
Clears the stored chat message history from memory.
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
clear() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IMemoryObject
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
clear() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
clearAll() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Clears all key-value pairs from Eclipse's preferences storage.
clearAll() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IEclipseMemory
Clears all key-value pairs from Eclipse's preferences storage.
clearAllSessions() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Clears all active sessions, including both SAP and Ollama sessions.
ClearHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles the "Clear Chat" action in the application.
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core - package
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.utils - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.utils
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api - package
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils
com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models - package com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
convertEndpointStringToURI(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClientHelper
Converts a token endpoint URL string into a URI object.
convertEndpointStringToURI(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClientHelper
Converts a token endpoint URL string into a URI object.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClientHelper
Converts a JSON response body into an AccessToken object.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClientHelper
Converts a JSON response body into an AccessToken object.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface
Converts a serialized JSON response body from the Ollama service into an IChatMessage.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in class
Converts a serialized JSON response body from the Ollama service into an IChatMessage.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface
Converts a serialized JSON response body from the OpenAI service into an IChatMessage.
convertResponseToObject(String) - Method in class
Converts a serialized JSON response body from the OpenAI service into an IChatMessage.
create() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.PreferencesHandler
Creates and returns an instance of PreferencesHandler.
create() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewRender
Factory method to create a new ViewRender instance.
create(Browser) - Static method in class
Factory method to create a PartListener instance.
create(Browser) - Static method in class
Factory method to create a SelectionListener instance.
create(Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.ClearHandler
Factory method to create a new ClearHandler instance.
create(Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.LogoutHandler
Factory method to create a new LogoutHandler instance.
create(Browser, String) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.PromptHandler
Factory method to create a new PromptHandler instance.
create(Composite, int) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.BrowserFactory
Creates a new Browser instance with the specified parent and style.
create(Shell, Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.LoginHandler
Factory method to create a new LoginHandler instance.
createAuthUri(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.ISapLoginClientHelper
Creates a URI for the given API endpoint.
createAuthUri(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClientHelper
Creates a URI for the given API endpoint.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Creates the UI control for the output field and sets it to read-only.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage
Creates the UI components for the wizard page.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Creates the UI controls for this wizard page.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.LoginOptionsPage
Creates the UI components for the wizard page.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Creates the UI components for the wizard page.
createControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Creates the UI controls for this wizard page.
createFieldEditors() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.PluginPreferencesPage
Creates the field editors for the preference page.
createMessage(Role, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new chat message with the specified role and content.
createMessage(Role, String) - Method in class
Creates a new chat message with the specified role and user input.
createMessage(Role, String) - Method in class
Creates a chat message with the specified role and content.
createPartControl(Composite) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Creates the view's controls, including the browser and toolbar.
createRequestBody(String, String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClientHelper
Creates a request body for a client credentials grant type.
createRequestBody(String, String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClientHelper
Creates a request body for a client credentials grant type.
createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in interface
Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the Ollama service.
createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the Ollama service.
createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in interface
Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the OpenAI service.
createRequestBody(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Creates an HTTP request body for a chat completion request to the OpenAI service.
createUri(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.IOllamaLoginClientHelper
Creates a URI from the given endpoint string.
createUri(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.OllamaLoginClientHelper
Creates a URI from the given endpoint string.

D Link icon

deleteFromEclipsePreferences(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Deletes the specified key-value pair from Eclipse's preferences storage.
deleteFromEclipsePreferences(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IEclipseMemory
Deletes the specified key-value pair from Eclipse's preferences storage.
Deployment - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents detailed information about a deployment in a backend system.
Deployment() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
DeploymentSelectionAdapter - Class in
Handles selection events for the deployment dropdown in the second page of the login wizard.
DeploymentSelectionAdapter(SecondSapLoginWizardPage, IMemoryObject<Deployment>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new DeploymentSelectionAdapter.
deserialize(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.IObjectSerializer
Deserializes a JSON string into an object of the specified class type.
deserialize(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.ObjectSerializer
Deserializes a JSON string into an object of the specified class type.
dispose() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Disposes of the view and its associated resources, including listeners and the browser.
doLoad() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Overrides the load behavior to prevent loading a value from preferences.
doLoadDefault() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Overrides the default load behavior to prevent resetting the value.
doStore() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Overrides the store behavior to prevent saving the value.

E Link icon

EclipseMemory - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages interactions with Eclipse's preference storage system.
EclipseMemory() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Constructs a new EclipseMemory instance.
EditorContentReader - Class in
Utility class for reading content and metadata from the active editor in the Eclipse IDE.
extractModelNames(GetOllamaModelsResponse) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils.OllamaModelNamesExtractor
Extracts model names from a GetOllamaModelsResponse.
extractResourceGroupIds(GetResourceGroupsResponse) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils.ResourceGroupIdExtractor
Extracts a list of resource group IDs from the given GetResourceGroupsResponse.

F Link icon

FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
The first wizard page for setting up an Ollama instance.
FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage(IOllamaLoginClient, IMemoryObject<String>) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage
Constructs a FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage for entering the Ollama endpoint.
FirstSapLoginWizardPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
Represents the first page of the login wizard where the user provides SAP AI Core credentials.
FirstSapLoginWizardPage(ISapLoginClient) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Constructs a new FirstLoginWizardPage.
FREQUENCY_PENALTY - Static variable in interface
The frequency penalty parameter for discouraging repeated phrases.
function(Object[]) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.PromptHandler
Handles a user prompt from the browser and initiates asynchronous processing to generate an AI response.

G Link icon

getAccessToken() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClient
Retrieves the current access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClient
Retrieves the current access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the access token string.
getActiveEditorFileName() - Static method in class
Retrieves the name of the file currently open in the active editor.
getAnswer(String, String) - Method in class
Generates an AI response for the given user prompt by performing the following steps: Determining which AI client to use. Fetching the chat message history from the client. Retrieving the content of the active editor window as context. Creating system and user messages for the AI. Obtaining the response from the AI client via a chat completion request. Saving the updated chat history back to the AI client. Returning the response message as a string.
getAnswer(String, String) - Method in interface
Generates an AI response for the given user prompt by performing the following steps: Determining which AI client to use. Fetching the chat message history from the client. Retrieving the content of the active editor window as context. Creating system and user messages for the AI. Obtaining the response from the AI client via a chat completion request. Saving the updated chat history back to the AI client. Returning the response message as a string.
getChoices() - Method in class
Retrieves the list of choices returned by the OpenAI API.
getClient() - Static method in class
Creates and returns an appropriate implementation of IAIClient based on the deployment's model name.
getClientId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Retrieves the client ID for authentication.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Retrieves the client secret for authentication.
getCompletionTokens() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of tokens used for the completion.
getConfigurationId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getConfigurationName() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getContent() - Method in class
Retrieves the content of the message.
getContent() - Method in class
Retrieves the content of the message.
getContent() - Method in class
Retrieves the content of the message.
getCount() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetDeploymentsResponse
Retrieves the total count of deployments.
getCount() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetResourceGroupsResponse
Retrieves the total count of resource groups.
getCreated() - Method in class
Retrieves the timestamp when the response was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Retrieves the timestamp when the response was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the creation timestamp of the resource group.
getCurrentSystem() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.utils.SystemProvider
Retrieves the name of the operating system on which the JVM is currently running.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
Returns the shared instance of the Activator.
getDeploymentDropdown() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the deployment dropdown widget.
getDeployments() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetDeploymentsResponse
Retrieves the list of deployments.
getDeployments(ServiceKey, String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.ISapLoginClient
Retrieves a list of deployments from the SAP AI Core API.
getDeployments(ServiceKey, String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClient
Retrieves a list of deployments from the SAP AI Core API.
getDeploymentsForSelection() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the list of deployments available for selection.
GetDeploymentsResponse - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Represents the response from an API call that retrieves a list of deployments.
GetDeploymentsResponse() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetDeploymentsResponse
getDeploymentUrl() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getDetails() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getDetails() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves additional details about the model.
getDigest() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the digest hash of the model.
getDoneReason() - Method in class
Retrieves the reason why the response generation was completed.
getEclipsePreferences() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Retrieves the global Eclipse preferences for the plugin.
getEvalCount() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of tokens evaluated in the main evaluation phase.
getEvalDuration() - Method in class
Retrieves the duration taken for the main evaluation phase.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the expiration time in seconds.
getFamily() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the model's family from its details.
getFinishReason() - Method in class
Retrieves the reason why the response generation finished.
getFormat() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the model's format from its details.
getFrequencyPenalty() - Method in class
Retrieves the frequency penalty applied to the response.
getId() - Method in class
Retrieves the unique identifier for the response.
getId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getIndex() - Method in class
Retrieves the index of this choice in the response.
getInputText() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the text entered by the user in the input field.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Retrieves the singleton instance of IMemoryMessageHistory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryAccessToken.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryDeployment.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Retrieves the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryServiceKey.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryAccessToken.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryDeployment.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryOllamaEndpoint.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryOllamaModel.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryResourceGroup.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Retrieves the singleton instance of MemoryServiceKey.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.ObjectSerializer
Retrieves the singleton instance of ObjectSerializer.
getJti() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the unique token identifier.
getLabels() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the labels associated with the resource group.
getLastOperation() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getLatestRunningConfigurationId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getLoadDuration() - Method in class
Retrieves the duration taken to load the model before response generation.
getMaxTokens() - Method in class
Retrieves the maximum number of tokens allowed in the response.
getMessage() - Method in interface
Retrieves the content of the chat message.
getMessage() - Method in class
Retrieves the message content.
getMessage() - Method in class
Retrieves the generated chat message.
getMessage() - Method in class
Retrieves the message content.
getMessage() - Method in class
Retrieves the message generated by the OpenAI model for this choice.
getMessage() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.Instruction
Retrieves the preferred system message text.
getMessageHistory() - Method in interface
Retrieves the chat message history.
getMessageHistory() - Method in class
Retrieves the chat message history stored in memory.
getMessageHistory() - Method in class
Retrieves the chat message history stored in memory.
getMessages() - Method in class
Retrieves the list of messages in the chat history.
getMessages() - Method in class
Retrieves the list of chat messages included in the request.
getMessages() - Method in class
Retrieves the list of chat messages in the request.
getModel() - Method in class
Retrieves the name of the AI model.
getModel() - Method in class
Retrieves the name of the AI model used.
getModel() - Method in class
Retrieves the model used to generate the response.
getModel() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the model identifier.
getModelName() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
Retrieves the name of the model associated with this deployment.
getModels() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetOllamaModelsResponse
Retrieves the list of Ollama models.
getModels(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.IOllamaLoginClient
Retrieves the available Ollama models from the specified endpoint.
getModels(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.OllamaLoginClient
Retrieves the available Ollama models from the specified endpoint.
getModelVersion() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
Retrieves the version of the model associated with this deployment.
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the last modification timestamp of the model.
getName() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the name of the model.
getNewAccessToken() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClient
Retrieves a new access token using the stored service key.
getNewAccessToken() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClient
Retrieves a new access token using the stored service key.
getNewAccessToken(ServiceKey) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClient
Retrieves a new access token using the provided service key.
getNewAccessToken(ServiceKey) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClient
Retrieves a new access token using the provided service key.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the next wizard page after validating the entered Ollama endpoint.
getObject() - Method in class
Retrieves the object type of the response.
getOllamaModelDropdown() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the dropdown component used for selecting an Ollama model.
getOllamaModelsForSelection() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the list of Ollama models available for selection.
GetOllamaModelsResponse - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Represents the response containing a list of available Ollama models.
GetOllamaModelsResponse() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetOllamaModelsResponse
getParameterSize() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the model's parameter size from its details.
getPresencePenalty() - Method in class
Retrieves the presence penalty applied to the response.
getPromptEvalCount() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of tokens evaluated in the prompt phase.
getPromptEvalDuration() - Method in class
Retrieves the duration taken to evaluate the prompt.
getPromptTokens() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of tokens used for the prompt.
getQuantizationLevel() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the model's quantization level from its details.
getReceivedAt() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the time the token was received.
getResourceContent(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.IViewRender
Reads the content of a resource file located in the plugin's bundle.
getResourceContent(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewRender
Reads the content of a resource file located in the plugin's bundle.
getResourceGroupDropdown() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the resource group dropdown widget.
getResourceGroupId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the unique identifier of the resource group.
getResourceGroups() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetResourceGroupsResponse
Retrieves the list of resource groups.
getResourceGroups(ServiceKey) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.ISapLoginClient
Retrieves a list of resource groups from the SAP AI Core API.
getResourceGroups(ServiceKey) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClient
Retrieves a list of resource groups from the SAP AI Core API.
GetResourceGroupsResponse - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Represents the response from an API call that retrieves a list of resource groups.
GetResourceGroupsResponse() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetResourceGroupsResponse
getRole() - Method in interface
Retrieves the role associated with the message.
getRole() - Method in class
Retrieves the role of the message.
getRole() - Method in class
Retrieves the role associated with the message.
getRole() - Method in class
Retrieves the role associated with the message.
getScenarioId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getScope() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the scope of the token.
getServiceKey() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the ServiceKey parsed from the user input.
getServiceKey() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Retrieves the ServiceKey from the first wizard page.
getServiceUrl() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.AuthClient
Retrieves the service URL from the stored service key.
getServiceUrl() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.IAuthClient
Retrieves the service URL from the stored service key.
getServiceURL() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Retrieves the API service URL, formatted with a version suffix.
getSize() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Retrieves the size of the model in bytes.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getStatus() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getStatus() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the current status of the resource group.
getStatusMessage() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the status message providing additional information.
getStop() - Method in class
Retrieves the stop sequence used to terminate the AI's response.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Retrieves the current value displayed in the output field.
getSubmissionTime() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getTargetStatus() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
getTemperature() - Method in class
Retrieves the temperature parameter for the AI's response.
getTenantId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the tenant ID associated with the resource group.
getTokenType() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Retrieves the token type (e.g., Bearer).
getTokenURL() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Retrieves the token URL for OAuth authentication.
getTotalDuration() - Method in class
Retrieves the total duration taken to generate the response.
getTotalTokens() - Method in class
Retrieves the total number of tokens used for the request.
getUsage() - Method in class
Retrieves the token usage details for the request.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Retrieves the string value associated with the role.
getZoneId() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Retrieves the zone ID where the resource group resides.

I Link icon

IAIClient - Interface in
Interface for AI client implementations.
IAuthClient - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth
Interface defining the contract for an authentication client.
IAuthClientHelper - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth
Defines utility methods for handling authentication-related tasks.
IChatMessage - Interface in
Represents a message exchanged in a chat interaction with an AI model.
IChatOrchestrator - Interface in
Interface for orchestrating AI-based chat interactions.
IEclipseMemory - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Interface for managing interactions with Eclipse's preference storage system.
IMemoryMessageHistory - Interface in
Interface for managing chat message history in memory.
IMemoryObject<T> - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Generic interface for managing the storage and retrieval of data in memory.
init(IWorkbench) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.PluginPreferencesPage
Initializes the preference page with the Eclipse workbench.
Initialization - Class in
Handles the initialization process for the application by managing user sessions, loading message history, and updating the browser state.
Initialization(Browser) - Constructor for class
Constructs an Initialization instance with the specified Browser.
initialize(IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Initializes the singleton instance of TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint.
initialize(IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Initializes the TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Initializes the singleton instance of MemoryOllamaEndpoint.
initialize(IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Initializes the MemoryResourceGroup singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class
Initializes the singleton instance of MemoryMessageHistory.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Initializes the TemporaryMemoryAccessToken singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Initializes the TemporaryMemoryDeployment singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Initializes the TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Initializes the TemporaryMemoryServiceKey singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Initializes the MemoryAccessToken singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Initializes the MemoryDeployment singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Initializes the MemoryOllamaModel singleton with the specified dependencies.
initialize(IObjectSerializer, IEclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Initializes the MemoryServiceKey singleton with the specified dependencies.
initializeDefaultPreferences(IPreferenceStore) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
Initializes the default preferences for the plugin.
InputField - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences
Represents a customizable input field for user preferences.
InputField(String, String, Composite) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.InputField
Constructs an InputField with the specified key, label, and parent composite.
Instruction - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences
Provides system-level instructions for AI interactions.
IObjectSerializer - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils
IOllamaClientHelper - Interface in
Defines helper methods for interacting with the Ollama service.
IOllamaLoginClient - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
A client interface for handling Ollama login-related API interactions.
IOllamaLoginClientHelper - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
A helper interface for handling API requests and responses related to Ollama login.
IOpenAIClientHelper - Interface in
Defines helper methods for interacting with the OpenAI service.
ISapLoginClient - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Interface for handling login-related API interactions with SAP AI Core.
ISapLoginClientHelper - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Interface for helper methods used in login-related API operations.
isDone() - Method in class
Checks if the response generation is complete.
isEmpty() - Method in interface
Checks if the stored chat message history is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Checks if the stored chat message history is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IMemoryObject
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Checks if the stored data is empty or invalid.
isOllamaSession() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Checks if an Ollama session is active by verifying required memory components.
isOption1Selected() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.LoginOptionsPage
Checks whether the SAP AI Core option is selected.
isOption2Selected() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.LoginOptionsPage
Checks whether the Ollama (Local) option is selected.
isSapSession() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Checks if an SAP session is active by verifying required memory components.
isStream() - Method in class
Checks if streaming is enabled for the chat response.
isUserLoggedIn() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Checks if the user is logged in by verifying both SAP and Ollama sessions.
isValid() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Checks if the access token is still valid based on its expiration time and the time it was received.
isValid() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Validates the service key's integrity by ensuring all required fields are non-null and non-empty.
isValidJson(String) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils.JsonValidator
Validates whether a given string is a well-formed JSON.
ITemporaryMemoryObject - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Represents an object that can be persisted from temporary memory to permanent storage.
IViewRender - Interface in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui
Interface for rendering HTML-based views in the application.

J Link icon

JsonValidator - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils
Utility class for validating JSON strings.

K Link icon

KEY - Static variable in interface
Key used for storing and retrieving the message history in the persistence layer.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.Instruction
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Key used for storing and retrieving the temporary access token in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Key used for storing and retrieving the temporary deployment in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
The preference key used for temporarily storing the Ollama endpoint.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Key used for storing and retrieving the temporary ollamaModel in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Key used for storing and retrieving the temporary resource group in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Key used for storing and retrieving the temporary service key in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Key used for storing and retrieving the access token in memory.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Key used for storing and retrieving deployment information in memory.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
The key used for storing the Ollama endpoint in Eclipse preferences.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Key used for storing and retrieving ollamaModel information in memory.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Key used for storing and retrieving the resource group information in memory.
KEY - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Key used for storing and retrieving the service key information in memory.

L Link icon

load() - Method in interface
Loads the chat message history from memory.
load() - Method in class
Loads the chat message history from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IMemoryObject
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Loads the data from memory.
load() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Loads the data from memory.
loadFromEclipsePreferences(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Loads the value associated with the specified key from Eclipse's preferences storage.
loadFromEclipsePreferences(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IEclipseMemory
Loads the value associated with the specified key from Eclipse's preferences storage.
loadFromMemory(Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.MessageHistoryLoader
Loads chat message history from memory and displays it in the specified browser.
login(Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Executes the login process using the specified browser.
LoginHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles the "Login" action for connecting to a BTP subaccount.
LoginOptionsPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
A wizard page for selecting an AI provider during the login process.
LoginOptionsPage() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.LoginOptionsPage
Constructs a LoginOptionsPage for selecting an AI provider.
LoginOptionsWizardDialog - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login
A custom wizard dialog for handling login options.
LoginOptionsWizardDialog(Shell, LoginWizard) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.LoginOptionsWizardDialog
Constructs a LoginOptionsWizardDialog with the specified parent shell and wizard.
LoginWizard - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login
A wizard for selecting and initiating the login process for an AI provider.
LoginWizard(Shell, Browser) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.LoginWizard
Constructs a LoginWizard with the specified shell and browser.
logout(Browser, EclipseMemory) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth.SessionManager
Executes the logout process using the specified browser and clears all memory.
LogoutHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles the "Logout" action for ending the user's session.

M Link icon

MAX_TOKENS - Static variable in interface
The maximum number of tokens allowed in a single request.
MemoryAccessToken - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages the storage and retrieval of access tokens in memory.
MemoryDeployment - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages the storage and retrieval of deployment information in memory.
MemoryMessageHistory - Class in
Manages the storage and retrieval of chat message history in Eclipse preferences.
MemoryOllamaEndpoint - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
A singleton class for managing the persistence of the Ollama endpoint in Eclipse preferences.
MemoryOllamaModel - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages the storage and retrieval of ollamaModel information in memory.
MemoryResourceGroup - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages the storage and retrieval of resource group information in memory.
MemoryServiceKey - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory
Manages the storage and retrieval of service key information in memory.
Message - Class in
Represents a single chat message with a role and content.
Message() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for creating an empty Message.
Message(Role, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a Message with the specified role and content.
MessageHistory - Class in
Represents the history of chat messages in a conversation.
MessageHistory() - Constructor for class
MessageHistoryLoader - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Utility class for loading chat message history into a browser component.
modifyText(ModifyEvent) - Method in class
Handles modifications to the service key input field.

O Link icon

ObjectSerializer - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils
Singleton implementation of IObjectSerializer that provides methods for serializing objects to JSON and deserializing JSON strings into objects.
ObjectSerializer() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.ObjectSerializer
OllamaChatMessage - Class in
Represents a chat message exchanged with the Ollama model.
OllamaChatMessage() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for creating an empty OllamaChatMessage.
OllamaChatMessage(Role, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new OllamaChatMessage with the specified role and content.
OllamaClient - Class in
A client implementation for interacting with the Ollama AI chat system.
OllamaClient(IMemoryMessageHistory, IMemoryObject<String>, IOllamaClientHelper) - Constructor for class
Constructs an OllamaClient with the specified dependencies.
OllamaClientHelper - Class in
A helper class for constructing requests and processing responses for the Ollama AI chat system.
OllamaClientHelper(IMemoryObject<OllamaModel>) - Constructor for class
Constructs an OllamaClientHelper with the specified memory storage.
OllamaLoginClient - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
A client for handling Ollama login-related API interactions.
OllamaLoginClient(IOllamaLoginClientHelper) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.OllamaLoginClient
Constructs an OllamaLoginClient with the specified helper.
OllamaLoginClientHelper - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
A helper class for handling API requests and responses related to Ollama login.
OllamaLoginClientHelper() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.OllamaLoginClientHelper
Constructs an OllamaLoginClientHelper and initializes a Gson instance.
OllamaLoginWizard - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login
A wizard for handling the Ollama login process.
OllamaLoginWizard(Browser) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.OllamaLoginWizard
Constructs an OllamaLoginWizard with the specified browser.
OllamaModel - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents a machine learning model in the Ollama system.
OllamaModel() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
OllamaModelNamesExtractor - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils
A utility class for extracting Ollama model names from API responses.
OllamaModelSelectionAdapter - Class in
A selection adapter for handling Ollama model selection events.
OllamaModelSelectionAdapter(SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage, IMemoryObject<OllamaModel>) - Constructor for class
Constructs an OllamaModelSelectionAdapter for handling model selection events.
OllamaRequestBody - Class in
Represents the request body for sending chat interactions to the Ollama API.
OllamaRequestBody() - Constructor for class
OllamaRequestResponse - Class in
Represents the response received from the Ollama API after a chat request.
OllamaRequestResponse() - Constructor for class
OpenAIChatMessage - Class in
Represents a chat message exchanged with the OpenAI model.
OpenAIChatMessage() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for creating an empty OpenAIChatMessage.
OpenAIChatMessage(Role, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new OpenAIChatMessage with the specified role and content.
OpenAIClient - Class in
Implements the IAIClient interface for interacting with OpenAI-based models.
OpenAIClient(IAuthClient, IMemoryMessageHistory, IMemoryObject<String>, IMemoryObject<Deployment>, IOpenAIClientHelper) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new OpenAIClient with the required dependencies.
OpenAIClientHelper - Class in
A helper class for the OpenAIClient that provides utility methods for creating HTTP request bodies and converting responses from the OpenAI service.
OpenAIClientHelper() - Constructor for class
OpenAIRequestBody - Class in
Represents the request body for an OpenAI chat completion API call.
OpenAIRequestBody() - Constructor for class
OpenAIRequestResponse - Class in
Represents the response body from an OpenAI chat completion API request.
OpenAIRequestResponse() - Constructor for class
OpenAIRequestResponse.Choice - Class in
Represents a single choice in the response from the OpenAI API.
OpenAIRequestResponse.Usage - Class in
Represents the token usage details in the OpenAI API response.
OutputField - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences
Represents a read-only output field for displaying values in an Eclipse preference page.
OutputField(String, String, Composite) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Constructs an OutputField with the specified label and initial value.

P Link icon

PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstOllamaLoginWizardPage
The unique identifier for this wizard page.
PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
The unique identifier for this wizard page.
PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.LoginOptionsPage
The unique identifier for this wizard page.
PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
The unique identifier for this wizard page.
PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
The unique identifier for this wizard page.
parseDeploymentsResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.ISapLoginClientHelper
Parses a JSON response body into a GetDeploymentsResponse object.
parseDeploymentsResponseToObject(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClientHelper
Parses a JSON response body into a GetDeploymentsResponse object.
parseOllamaModelsResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.IOllamaLoginClientHelper
Parses the JSON response body into a GetOllamaModelsResponse object.
parseOllamaModelsResponseToObject(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.OllamaLoginClientHelper
Parses the JSON response body into a GetOllamaModelsResponse object.
parseResourceGroupsResponseToObject(String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.ISapLoginClientHelper
Parses a JSON response body into a GetResourceGroupsResponse object.
parseResourceGroupsResponseToObject(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClientHelper
Parses a JSON response body into a GetResourceGroupsResponse object.
partClosed(IWorkbenchPartReference) - Method in class
Handles the partClosed event triggered when a part is closed.
PartListener - Class in
Implements a part listener to monitor and handle editor-related events in the Eclipse workspace.
performFinish() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.LoginWizard
Completes the wizard by initiating the login process based on user selection.
performFinish() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.OllamaLoginWizard
Completes the wizard by persisting the login configuration and logging in.
performFinish() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.SapLoginWizard
Completes the login process and persists the temporary memory.
persist() - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.ITemporaryMemoryObject
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
persist() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Persists the temporary memory object to permanent storage.
PLUGIN_ID - Static variable in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
The plug-in ID for the zJoule plugin.
PLUGIN_ID - Static variable in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IEclipseMemory
The plugin ID used to identify the preferences node in Eclipse's preference storage.
PluginPreferencesPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences
Represents the preference page for configuring plugin settings.
PluginPreferencesPage() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.PluginPreferencesPage
Constructs a PluginPreferencesPage instance.
PreferencesHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles opening the preferences dialog in the Eclipse plugin.
PRESENCE_PENALTY - Static variable in interface
The presence penalty parameter for encouraging diverse topic generation.
PromptHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles user prompts from the browser and communicates with the chat orchestrator to generate responses.
PromptHandler(Browser, String) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.PromptHandler
Constructs a new PromptHandler instance.

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readActiveEditorContent() - Static method in class
Reads and returns the content of the file currently open in the active editor.
resetInstance() - Static method in class
Resets the singleton instance of MemoryMessageHistory.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Resets the singleton instance.
resetInstance() - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Resets the singleton instance.
ResourceGroup - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents a resource group in the system.
ResourceGroup() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
ResourceGroupIdExtractor - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.utils
Utility class for extracting resource group IDs from a GetResourceGroupsResponse.
ResourceGroupSelectionAdapter - Class in
Handles selection events for the resource group dropdown in the second page of the login wizard.
ResourceGroupSelectionAdapter(SecondSapLoginWizardPage, ISapLoginClient, IMemoryObject<String>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new ResourceGroupSelectionAdapter.
Role - Enum Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents different roles in the system.
Role.RoleSerializer - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Custom serializer for the Role enum to be used with Gson.
RoleSerializer() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role.RoleSerializer
run() - Method in class
Executes the initialization process.
run() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.ClearHandler
Executes the "Clear Chat" action.
run() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.LoginHandler
Executes the "Login" action.
run() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.LogoutHandler
Executes the "Logout" action.
run() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.PreferencesHandler
Opens the preferences dialog for the plugin when the action is triggered.

S Link icon

SapLoginClient - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
Implements the ISapLoginClient interface for managing API interactions related to login operations.
SapLoginClient(ISapLoginClientHelper, IAuthClient) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClient
Constructs a new LoginClient instance.
SapLoginClientHelper - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api
A helper class for handling login-related API operations.
SapLoginClientHelper() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.SapLoginClientHelper
Constructs a new LoginClientHelper instance.
SapLoginWizard - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login
A wizard for logging into SAP AI Core.
SapLoginWizard(Browser) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.SapLoginWizard
Constructs a new LoginWizard instance.
save(MessageHistory) - Method in interface
Saves the given MessageHistory object to memory.
save(MessageHistory) - Method in class
Saves the given MessageHistory object to memory.
save(AccessToken) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryAccessToken
Saves the given data to memory.
save(AccessToken) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryAccessToken
Saves the given data to memory.
save(Deployment) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryDeployment
Saves the given data to memory.
save(Deployment) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryDeployment
Saves the given data to memory.
save(OllamaModel) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel
Saves the given data to memory.
save(OllamaModel) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaModel
Saves the given data to memory.
save(ServiceKey) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryServiceKey
Saves the given data to memory.
save(ServiceKey) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryServiceKey
Saves the given data to memory.
save(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint
Saves the given data to memory.
save(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory.TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup
Saves the given data to memory.
save(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryOllamaEndpoint
Saves the given data to memory.
save(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.MemoryResourceGroup
Saves the given data to memory.
save(T) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IMemoryObject
Saves the given data to memory.
saveOnEclipsePreferences(String, String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.EclipseMemory
Saves a key-value pair to Eclipse's preferences storage.
saveOnEclipsePreferences(String, String) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.IEclipseMemory
Saves a key-value pair to Eclipse's preferences storage.
SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
The second wizard page for selecting an Ollama model.
SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage(IMemoryObject<OllamaModel>) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Constructs a SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage for selecting an Ollama model.
SecondSapLoginWizardPage - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages
Represents the second page of the login wizard, where the user selects a resource group and deployment ID based on the credentials provided on the first page.
SecondSapLoginWizardPage(ISapLoginClient, IMemoryObject<String>, IMemoryObject<Deployment>) - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Constructs a new SecondLoginWizardPage.
selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart, ISelection) - Method in class
Invoked when the selection in the Eclipse workspace changes.
SelectionListener - Class in
Listens for selection changes in the Eclipse workspace and updates the browser state accordingly.
serialize(Role, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role.RoleSerializer
Serializes a Role enum instance into a JSON element.
serialize(Object) - Method in interface com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.IObjectSerializer
Serializes an object into a JSON string.
serialize(Object) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.memory.utils.ObjectSerializer
Serializes an object into a JSON string.
ServiceKey - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models
Represents the service key configuration required for accessing API endpoints and authentication.
ServiceKey() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
ServiceKeyModifyListener - Class in
Handles modifications to the service key input field in the first page of the login wizard.
ServiceKeyModifyListener(FirstSapLoginWizardPage, ISapLoginClient, Gson) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new ServiceKeyModifyListener.
SessionManager - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.auth
Manages the user's session within the application.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the access token string.
setBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Sets the browser component for the view.
setChoices(List<OpenAIRequestResponse.Choice>) - Method in class
Sets the list of choices returned by the OpenAI API.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Sets the client ID for authentication.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Sets the client secret for authentication.
setCompletionTokens(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of tokens used for the completion.
setConfigurationId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setConfigurationName(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setContent(String) - Method in class
Sets the content of the message.
setContent(String) - Method in class
Sets the content of the message.
setContent(String) - Method in class
Sets the content of the message.
setCount(int) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetDeploymentsResponse
Sets the total count of deployments.
setCount(int) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetResourceGroupsResponse
Sets the total count of resource groups.
setCreated(long) - Method in class
Sets the timestamp when the response was created.
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
Sets the timestamp when the response was created.
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the creation timestamp of the resource group.
setDeploymentsForSelection(List<Deployment>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Sets the list of deployments available for selection and updates the dropdown.
setDeploymentUrl(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setDetails(Details) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setDetails(OllamaModelDetails) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets additional details about the model.
setDigest(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets the digest hash of the model.
setDone(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the response generation is complete.
setDoneReason(String) - Method in class
Sets the reason why the response generation was completed.
setEvalCount(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of tokens evaluated in the main evaluation phase.
setEvalDuration(long) - Method in class
Sets the duration taken for the main evaluation phase.
setExpiresIn(long) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the expiration time in seconds.
setFinishReason(String) - Method in class
Sets the reason why the response generation finished.
setFocus() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Sets the focus to the browser component.
setFrequencyPenalty(double) - Method in class
Sets the frequency penalty applied to the response.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the unique identifier for the response.
setId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index of this choice in the response.
setJti(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the unique token identifier.
setLabels(List<Label>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the labels associated with the resource group.
setLastOperation(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setLatestRunningConfigurationId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setLoadDuration(long) - Method in class
Sets the duration taken to load the model before response generation.
setMaxTokens(int) - Method in class
Sets the maximum number of tokens allowed in the response.
setMessage(OllamaChatMessage) - Method in class
Sets the generated chat message.
setMessage(OpenAIChatMessage) - Method in class
Sets the message generated by the OpenAI model for this choice.
setMessageHistory(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in interface
Updates the chat message history with the provided list of messages.
setMessageHistory(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Stores the given chat message history in memory.
setMessageHistory(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Stores the chat message history in memory.
setMessages(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Sets the list of chat messages to be included in the request.
setMessages(List<IChatMessage>) - Method in class
Sets the list of chat messages in the request.
setMessages(List<Message>) - Method in class
Sets the list of messages in the chat history.
setModel(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the AI model.
setModel(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the AI model used.
setModel(String) - Method in class
Sets the model used to generate the response.
setModel(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets the model identifier.
setModels(List<OllamaModel>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetOllamaModelsResponse
Sets the list of Ollama models.
setModifiedAt(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setModifiedAt(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets the last modification timestamp of the model.
setName(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets the name of the model.
setObject(String) - Method in class
Sets the object type of the response.
setOllamaModelsForSelection(GetOllamaModelsResponse) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Populates the dropdown menu with available Ollama models.
setPartListener(PartListener) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Sets the part listener for monitoring part lifecycle events.
setPresencePenalty(double) - Method in class
Sets the presence penalty applied to the response.
setPromptEvalCount(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of tokens evaluated in the prompt phase.
setPromptEvalDuration(long) - Method in class
Sets the duration taken to evaluate the prompt.
setPromptTokens(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of tokens used for the prompt.
setReceivedAt(Date) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the time the token was received.
setResourceGroupId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the unique identifier of the resource group.
setResourceGroups(List<ResourceGroup>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetResourceGroupsResponse
Sets the list of resource groups.
setResourceGroupsForSelection(List<String>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Sets the list of resource groups available for selection.
setResourceGroupsOnTheSecondPage(GetResourceGroupsResponse) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Propagates resource groups from the service key response to the second wizard page.
setResources(List<Deployment>) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.api.GetDeploymentsResponse
Sets the list of deployments.
setRole(Role) - Method in class
Sets the role of the message.
setRole(Role) - Method in class
Sets the role of the message.
setRole(Role) - Method in class
Sets the role of the message.
setScenarioId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setScope(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the scope of the token.
setSelectionListener(ISelectionListener) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Sets the selection listener for monitoring selection events.
setServiceKey(ServiceKey) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Sets the ServiceKey for this page.
setShell(Shell) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
Sets the shell instance for the view.
setSize(long) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.OllamaModel
Sets the size of the model in bytes.
setStartTime(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the current status of the resource group.
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the status message providing additional information.
setStop(String) - Method in class
Sets the stop sequence used to terminate the AI's response.
setStream(boolean) - Method in class
Enables or disables streaming for the chat response.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.preferences.OutputField
Sets the displayed value of the output field.
setSubmissionTime(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setTargetStatus(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Deployment
setTemperature(double) - Method in class
Sets the temperature parameter for the AI's response.
setTenantId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the tenant ID associated with the resource group.
setTokenType(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.AccessToken
Sets the token type (e.g., Bearer).
setTokenUrl(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ServiceKey
Sets the token URL for OAuth authentication.
setTotalDuration(long) - Method in class
Sets the total duration taken to generate the response.
setTotalTokens(int) - Method in class
Sets the total number of tokens used for the request.
setUsage(OpenAIRequestResponse.Usage) - Method in class
Sets the token usage details for the request.
setValidationError(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.FirstSapLoginWizardPage
Displays a validation error message in the UI or hides it if the message is null or empty.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondOllamaLoginWizardPage
Controls the visibility of the wizard page.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.pages.SecondSapLoginWizardPage
Sets the visibility of this page.
setZoneId(String) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.ResourceGroup
Sets the zone ID where the resource group resides.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
Starts the plugin by initializing the shared instance and memory resources.
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.Activator
Stops the plugin by clearing the shared instance.
STOP - Static variable in interface
The stop sequence used to terminate AI responses.
SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Represents a system-level role.
SystemProvider - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.utils
Utility class for providing information about the current operating system.

T Link icon

TagHandler - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions
Handles updating tags in the browser based on the currently active editor file.
TEMPERATURE - Static variable in interface
The temperature parameter for controlling the randomness of AI responses.
TemporaryMemoryAccessToken - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of an access token during the login process.
TemporaryMemoryDeployment - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of deployment information during the login process.
TemporaryMemoryOllamaEndpoint - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
A temporary memory storage for the Ollama endpoint used during the login process.
TemporaryMemoryOllamaModel - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of ollamaModel information during the login process.
TemporaryMemoryResourceGroup - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of resource group information during the login process.
TemporaryMemoryServiceKey - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.memory
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of service key information during the login process.
toString() - Method in class
Serializes this object to its JSON representation using Gson.
toString() - Method in class
Serializes this object to its JSON representation using Gson.
toString() - Method in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Returns the string representation of the role.

U Link icon

update(Browser) - Static method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.functions.TagHandler
Updates the tag in the browser with the name of the currently active editor file.
updateButtons() - Method in class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.login.LoginOptionsWizardDialog
Updates the dialog buttons, modifying the finish button text to "Select".
Usage() - Constructor for class
USER - Enum constant in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Represents a standard user role.

V Link icon

valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.models.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
ViewListener - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui
Represents a custom Eclipse view that integrates a browser and various event listeners.
ViewListener() - Constructor for class com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui.ViewListener
ViewRender - Class in com.developer.nefarious.zjoule.plugin.core.ui
Responsible for rendering an HTML-based view with embedded JavaScript and CSS resources.

W Link icon

widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class
Handles selection events triggered by the deployment dropdown.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class
Handles the selection event for the Ollama model dropdown.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class
Handles selection events triggered by the resource group dropdown.
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