All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an OAuth2 access token along with its metadata and expiration details.
The activator class controls the plug-in lifecycle for the zJoule plugin.
A factory class responsible for creating instances of IAIClient.
The AuthClient class provides functionality to authenticate with a service and retrieve access tokens.
A helper class for the AuthClient that provides utility methods for constructing HTTP requests, parsing responses, and managing URI conversions.
Factory class for creating Browser instances in an SWT application.
Orchestrates the chat process by interacting with the AI client to retrieve answers based on user prompts and active editor content.
Handles the "Clear Chat" action in the application.
Represents detailed information about a deployment in a backend system.
Handles selection events for the deployment dropdown in the second page of the login wizard.
Manages interactions with Eclipse's preference storage system.
Utility class for reading content and metadata from the active editor in the Eclipse IDE.
The first wizard page for setting up an Ollama instance.
Represents the first page of the login wizard where the user provides SAP AI Core credentials.
Represents the response from an API call that retrieves a list of deployments.
Represents the response containing a list of available Ollama models.
Represents the response from an API call that retrieves a list of resource groups.
Interface for AI client implementations.
Interface defining the contract for an authentication client.
Defines utility methods for handling authentication-related tasks.
Represents a message exchanged in a chat interaction with an AI model.
Interface for orchestrating AI-based chat interactions.
Interface for managing interactions with Eclipse's preference storage system.
Interface for managing chat message history in memory.
Generic interface for managing the storage and retrieval of data in memory.
Handles the initialization process for the application by managing user sessions, loading message history, and updating the browser state.
Represents a customizable input field for user preferences.
Provides system-level instructions for AI interactions.
Defines helper methods for interacting with the Ollama service.
A client interface for handling Ollama login-related API interactions.
A helper interface for handling API requests and responses related to Ollama login.
Defines helper methods for interacting with the OpenAI service.
Interface for handling login-related API interactions with SAP AI Core.
Interface for helper methods used in login-related API operations.
Represents an object that can be persisted from temporary memory to permanent storage.
Interface for rendering HTML-based views in the application.
Utility class for validating JSON strings.
Handles the "Login" action for connecting to a BTP subaccount.
A wizard page for selecting an AI provider during the login process.
A custom wizard dialog for handling login options.
A wizard for selecting and initiating the login process for an AI provider.
Handles the "Logout" action for ending the user's session.
Manages the storage and retrieval of access tokens in memory.
Manages the storage and retrieval of deployment information in memory.
Manages the storage and retrieval of chat message history in Eclipse preferences.
A singleton class for managing the persistence of the Ollama endpoint in Eclipse preferences.
Manages the storage and retrieval of ollamaModel information in memory.
Manages the storage and retrieval of resource group information in memory.
Manages the storage and retrieval of service key information in memory.
Represents a single chat message with a role and content.
Represents the history of chat messages in a conversation.
Utility class for loading chat message history into a browser component.
Singleton implementation of IObjectSerializer that provides methods for serializing objects to JSON and deserializing JSON strings into objects.
Represents a chat message exchanged with the Ollama model.
A client implementation for interacting with the Ollama AI chat system.
A helper class for constructing requests and processing responses for the Ollama AI chat system.
A client for handling Ollama login-related API interactions.
A helper class for handling API requests and responses related to Ollama login.
A wizard for handling the Ollama login process.
Represents a machine learning model in the Ollama system.
A utility class for extracting Ollama model names from API responses.
A selection adapter for handling Ollama model selection events.
Represents the request body for sending chat interactions to the Ollama API.
Represents the response received from the Ollama API after a chat request.
Represents a chat message exchanged with the OpenAI model.
Implements the IAIClient interface for interacting with OpenAI-based models.
A helper class for the OpenAIClient that provides utility methods for creating HTTP request bodies and converting responses from the OpenAI service.
Represents the request body for an OpenAI chat completion API call.
Represents the response body from an OpenAI chat completion API request.
Represents a single choice in the response from the OpenAI API.
Represents the token usage details in the OpenAI API response.
Represents a read-only output field for displaying values in an Eclipse preference page.
Implements a part listener to monitor and handle editor-related events in the Eclipse workspace.
Represents the preference page for configuring plugin settings.
Handles opening the preferences dialog in the Eclipse plugin.
Handles user prompts from the browser and communicates with the chat orchestrator to generate responses.
Represents a resource group in the system.
Utility class for extracting resource group IDs from a GetResourceGroupsResponse.
Handles selection events for the resource group dropdown in the second page of the login wizard.
Represents different roles in the system.
Custom serializer for the Role enum to be used with Gson.
Implements the ISapLoginClient interface for managing API interactions related to login operations.
A helper class for handling login-related API operations.
A wizard for logging into SAP AI Core.
The second wizard page for selecting an Ollama model.
Represents the second page of the login wizard, where the user selects a resource group and deployment ID based on the credentials provided on the first page.
Listens for selection changes in the Eclipse workspace and updates the browser state accordingly.
Represents the service key configuration required for accessing API endpoints and authentication.
Handles modifications to the service key input field in the first page of the login wizard.
Manages the user's session within the application.
Utility class for providing information about the current operating system.
Handles updating tags in the browser based on the currently active editor file.
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of an access token during the login process.
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of deployment information during the login process.
A temporary memory storage for the Ollama endpoint used during the login process.
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of ollamaModel information during the login process.
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of resource group information during the login process.
Manages temporary storage and retrieval of service key information during the login process.
Represents a custom Eclipse view that integrates a browser and various event listeners.
Responsible for rendering an HTML-based view with embedded JavaScript and CSS resources.